Are Blashaus bass clarinet necks for everyone?
Got a question in the mailbag today about a Blashaus neck, and I figured I’d write a quick post about those things. And, if you think you’re in the market for one, you should have a read-through to decide if they’re right for you and your instrument.
Stephen writes:
In your opinion, would purchasing a Blashaus neck for a Selmer Series 9 bass be a good idea or bad idea? I am contemplating a [Buffet] Prestige low c but …. If it would be a step up for the 9, I imagine I could transfer it to the prestige if/when that day occurs. Thanks.
Blashaus Necks are the best necks made for the bass clarinet, period.
So first of all: good thinking, Stephen: you can transfer the neck to a new instrument in the future, and therefore it makes a good investment. And the Blashaus necks are the best you can buy. They’re simply amazing — everyone who I know who’s tried one decided to buy it. I have 2 of them myself.
BUT, the necks are technically not transferable from Selmer to Buffets. Why? The Bore is different. Actually, even a Buffet Tosca and a Buffet Prestige have different bores from each other. But, what’s a Bore anyway?
A Bore is the tube part of the clarinet — it’s the technical name for the inside of the instrument. And every clarinet and bass clarinet model has a slightly different bore from each other. Some are bigger, some are smaller. Now, we’re talking about tenths or even hundredths of a millimeter sometimes, but that small amount can make a big difference.
By and large, Selmer horns have larger bores than Buffet horns, so a Selmer neck will not work on a Buffet…technically. Does it matter? Kinda. The mismatched bores do not provide an efficient tube for the air, and even a small difference creates turbulence in the air column. In short: it affects how the instrument feels to play, and it affects the sound.
Before 2022, Blashaus necks would not work on Selmer Series 9 bass clarinets or any other neck with a straight neck key. I asked Blashaus to create a key that would enable those with older horns to take advantage of their product, and they obliged! So now, you can get a Blashaus neck for ANY bass clarinet. WOOHOO!
Check the pictures below to see which neck you need. If you need the straight neck key version, just select “Selmer, Pre-1990” when choosing which version you would like. If you have a Model 33 (Late-1970s to about 1990), the Model V (c. 1966-1970) or the Series 9 (c. 1955-1966), you’re covered. You can get these in both gold and silver finishes now, too. Thanks Martin!

So, no, in general, necks are not standard on bass clarinets…even now. Yamaha bass clarinets (I think) have a straight register neck key, as do most student-level horns originating in China, like the Kessler. Buffet and Selmer have a T-shaped key.
So in short: if you have an instrument that can accept a Blashaus mechanism—and you probably do, they are the best necks on the planet. And, if you get one, you can transfer it to your new horn—provided it has the same bore.
Thanks for writing!
2 comentarios
Hi Michael – when I purchased my silver plated neck from you it would work on my modern low c but not on my old Series 9. Is there any way now to make it work on the older horn?
When you say it fits any bass, does that include Royal? Which model of neck do you think matches best? Thanks, love your content!